Tuesday 9 November 2010

A life worth living. "I am the supreme person"

The perfection of Yoga.
There have been many yoga systems popularized in the western world, expecially in this century, but none of them have actually taught the perfection of yoga.
It is certainly remarkable that the 'perfection of yoga' was taught in the middle of a battlefeild. It was taught to Arjuna, the warrior, just before Arjuna was to engage in a internecine battle.
"Why should I fight against my own kinsmen?" Arjuna thought. That reluctance to fight was due to Arjuna's illusion... Sri Krisna spoke the Bhagavad Gita to him.
yo'yam yogas twaya proktah
samyena madhusudana
etasyaham na pasyami
cancalatvat sthitim sthiram.
What is yoga then?
Yoga is the best possible excercise there is for improving suppleness. However, yoga postures are more then physical poses; they work on the MIND and SPIRIT, and promote increased AWARENESS, VITALITY, and inner PEACE.
There are many forms of yoga. Astanga for example is flowing and dynamic, while Shivananda is very gentle. Iyengar yoga is the most precise method.

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